
Sleep Medicine

Sleep Medicine

Sleep is an important part of our daily routine life. A non-interrupted sleep of 6-8 hours is considered to “refresh” your body and is a parameter of good health. This time frame is thought to be enough to “recharge” the body but it may vary from person to person.

A good sleep is not easy one. Sleep disturbances are common in our daily life; its accumulation affects the body health and its productivity. These disturbances affect our brain activity and decision making capacities.

Though stress is often categorises the main factor of sleep disturbances but it’s not only the fact. Many social, environmental, personal factors play an important role for good quality of sleep. It is the quality not the quantity of sleep that matters.

Like our body needs a health check-ups ; we advocate regular sleep check-ups. It will help you to define your personality as well as it will help you to improve your quality of sleep. Some sleep disorders are often not detected by our-self but are informed by others such as snoring. These are important to be notified and to be taken care of timely.
